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Multiple supports

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if I have a tank out of fuel and a vulcan out of fuel, (support truck has support wp) how do i make the AI driver fuel the tank and then go to the vulcan and fuel it, then return to the fuel station?? ???

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You can use the "setWPPos" -method to dynamically set waypoint position. Try for example the following:

name of the tank: WTank1

name of the fuel truck: WTruck1

Fuel truck's first waypoint is of type "SUPPORT"

[WTruck1,1] setWPPos (getPos WTank1)

This could be executed by a trigger that meets the condition:

(fuel WTank1) == 0

Again, it should be noted that only one vehicle at a time executes the script. Otherwise another vehicle (here, Vulcan) might "steal" the support truck before it even gets to the tank... One solution to this might be to use a boolean variable to indicate if support truck is already reserved. Or maybe playing around with synchronization?

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Hmmm, can't it be done by giving the truck just 3 Waypoints? First one for supporting the tank, second one for supporting the Vulcan and the third for moving back to the fuel Station???

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Of course, if the two vehicles are already out of fuel. The above script can be used when it is not known beforehand which vehicle runs out of fuel first. I mean, WTruck1 waits near fuel station and goes for the support mission only when some vehicle is requesting it. I have a habit to see everything in more complicated way smile.gif

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