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Use number keys, or Remove Radio.

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Say your mission does not use the "Status" radio in the upper right corner, is there any way to use the keys 0-9 and F1-F12?

I can intercept the keys with the following event handler: (FindDisplay 46) DisplaySetEventHandler ["keydown","(_this select 1) call cliF_KeyEvent;"];

But the radio status message box thing always pops up, though it is useless. Is there any way to disable it? Or unassign the keys that open it using an addon? Or find its display/dialog and close it?

I have tried all of the above, with no luck. It doesn't appear to be a "display" like the "Esc/Abort" menu is. (49 I think)

It would be really nice to be able to use those 22 keys.


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Inside your display event handler, return true' as the very last statement.

That will override all default arma key behavior, for any key.

(I had to use this trick also to make use of F1-F12).

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That works great Captain, thanks. How did you figure that out?

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Spooner from OFPEC gets the credit. He wrote a script (SPON_Status) which overrode the built in scoreboard with his own order of battle display. I pored over it for a long time trying to figure out why it stopped the scoreboard from displaying, and it turned out it was the return value of 'true'. smile_o.gif

His core package:


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