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Crashes in the editor

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I know this is possibly more of a mission related problem but I can't see why it would happen.

Basically I have a mission which I have made which now that when I play it in the editor it will always give an error message (Just a generic message the whole Send error report or Dont send one)

However if I save the mission as a multilayer mission (since its an MP mission) and then try to play it, it will work perfectly fine without any problems)

It's only when I click preview in the editor that it will crash and this doesn't happen with any other mission. Does anyone know why it might do this?

Edit - Found out its down to an addon but not sure which cause I have so many, is there something that tells you the last thing ArmA tried to do before it crashed? There was something in OFP as far as I can remember. So is there one in ArmA that would by some chance tell me what addon it failed upon loading?

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