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Upgrade 1.45 stuffed my mission!

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Hi all,

My big mission is almost ready after months of work. One of my crowning achievements is the opening where a chopper follows you and you narrowly miss a bombardment of explosions that run along the ground towards you.

Since I’ve updated to v1.45 I have replaced my explosions (usually displaying a fire explosion followed by smoke and debris) with a sort of soft fart (that shows a tuft of yellow OR a smudge of smoke) for 1 second.?confused.gif

I'm pissed off as it’s taken me until now to get it all running right. Just to have it stuffed up by an official release.

Has anyone found the same problem and or found a way to fix it?

Thanks all,


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It seems that this update is a real mess.

Choppers dont land, explosions dont work like they should, bad dynamics, etc, etc, etc.

Maybe BIS should release a Service Pack 1. lol

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The good thing is that now you can shoot yourself in the foot and die from it. (try it) wink.gif

Although I reserve the right to shoot myself in the foot if i wish (and am glad that BIS have indulged me my god given right to do so), I'll stick with the smooth running of v1.42.

And on future updates.....thanks anyway, but I'm right.


Oh yeah............LOL


PS. yes he does suck (B.Gates)

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