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CSM S. Ghering-1CD-

Server Hosting

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The sponsor of my new unit is having a new server tower built. However, I cannot answer his questions on what needs to be uploaded to it. We are going to be hosting ArmA and BF 2. Anyone able to "idiot explain" to me what he will need to upload to the server?

Guess at 36, it's harder to learn new things.

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Re Arma: you can transfer over the whole \ArmA\ game directory basically

Re BF2: I think you get seperate bf2 server files to up and run alongside some sort of bf2 admin daemon tool

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The server is pretty much the same as the client version of ArmA, minus the actuall screen.

You need the whole game folder, as well as a user config in the my docs folder.

It is a lot of files to upload, and for GOL's dedicated server we just bought ArmA Gold (ArmA with Queens Gambit) online from the publishers download website. Being a dedicated server it downloaded within a few minutes. It's not that much money, but of course that's up to you if you want to spend a bit more. What I usually do once it's downloaded is just .rar it with a lot of compression on the server - that way you can unrar it when you need another server on a different box etc.

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Maybe one day we'll just get a simple server.exe like HL2 and it's mods have.

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