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Shadows and Shading on High problem

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When I have my shadow detail and shading detail on high, I encounter two problems

1. A shadow circle of radius 150m or so follows me around

2. The East Officer model's rank tags are painted over by the tags' shadows.

Anybody else experiencing this? Anybody know what's going on?

I am running on Windows Vista 32bit, using a GeForce Go 7600. I think I have the latest drivers, but drivers for my card are hard to hunt down (can't get them from nVidia, have to get them from Acer), and Acer makes downloading drivers difficult.

Thanks for any help!

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Ok, so I've found out that this does not occur on my other (desktop) computer using an nVidia GeForce 6600GT OC. I don't think it has the latest drivers, but they're from this year.

I think the Officer tags and the shadow circle are related, as I noticed that when the officer turns away from the sun, his rank tags darken, but look natural as the other side of his body is bright.

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