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darkside six


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can anyone tell me what unitname is this referring too for this script, is it the Unit option in the editor or is it the description???

["unitname",0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Weapons Respawn Script v1.04 (March 31, 2003) revised (February 1, 2007)

;Required Version: ArmA

;original by toadlife revised by norrin for ArmA


;intialize like this: ["unitname",0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"

; Or this: ["unitname",1] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"


; * "unitname" = The name of the player the script runs on (must be enclosed by quotes!)

; * 0/1 = method of repleneshing weapons

; **if method is 0, the player gets the same weapons he started out with every time

; **if method is 1, the player gets the same weapons he had when he died


; Advanced example method of initializing script - put the following lines in your init.sqs,

; and replce the unit names with your own:

;_units = ["w1","w2","w3","w4","w5","w6","w7","w8","w9","w10","w11","w12","w13","w14","w15","w16","w17","w18"]

;{[_x,0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"} foreach _units



~(random 0.3)

_name = _this select 0

_method = _this select 1

_hasrifle = false

_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

?(_method == 0):_return = "checklocal";goto "guncheck"


_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

?(local _unit):goto "respawnloop"

~(1 + (random 3))

goto "checklocal"


@!alive _unit


?(_method == 1):_return = "waitforlife";goto "guncheck"


@alive call compile format["%1",_name]

_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

removeAllWeapons _unit

?_hasrifle:_guns = _guns - [_prigun];_guncount = count _guns

_c = 0

while {_c <= (_magcount - 1)} do {_unit addmagazine (_mags select _c); _c = _c + 1}

_c = 0

while {_c <= (_guncount - 1)} do {_unit addweapon (_guns select _c); _c = _c + 1}

?_hasrifle:_unit addweapon _prigun;_gun = _guns + [_prigun]

;//If unit has a rifle select it

?_hasrifle:goto "selectrifle"

;//No rifle - if unit has a pistol, select it

?_unit hasweapon ((weapons _unit - [secondaryweapon _unit,"Binocular","NVGoggles"]) select 0):_unit selectweapon ((weapons _unit - [secondaryweapon _unit,"Binocular","NVGoggles"]) select 0);goto "respawnloop"

;//No rifle or pistol, select secondary weapon

_unit selectweapon secondaryweapon _unit

goto "respawnloop"


;// BUG WORKAROUND! - Added to compensate for selectweapon bug

;// Any gun with more than one muzzle (grenadelaunchers) cannot be selected with selectweapon!

;// Default Grenadelaunchers supported - Add your own types if you need to.

_unit selectweapon _prigun

?_prigun == "M16A2GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M16A4GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M16A4_ACG_GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M4GL":_unit selectweapon "M4Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M4A1GL":_unit selectweapon "M4Muzzle"

?_prigun == "AK74GL":_unit selectweapon "AK74Muzzle"

goto "respawnloop"


_guns = weapons _unit

_mags = magazines _unit

~(random 0.5)

_guncount = count _guns

_magcount = count _mags

?_unit hasweapon (primaryweapon _unit):_hasrifle = true;_prigun = primaryweapon _unit;goto _return

_hasrifle = false

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It's the name you give it in the mission editor:


Lines like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

Compile the string (name of the object) into a function.

Calling that function then returns the object, that was originally assigned the name, in the mission editor.

It works with integers and some other variables to:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">MYNUMBER=2;

_Number=Call Compile "MYNUMBER";

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Quote[/b] ]oops i feel silly

Well I dunno about that. Personally I think Arma scripting is a world unto itself smile_o.gif

It was a case of, if I'm going to reply. I may as well try and make it as accessible to as many people as possible.

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