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What exactly does super ai enable?

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Hi. Would someone mind explaining to me the difference Super AI makes. I've searched earlier posts in the forum and they say that it puts the soldiers skill up to the maximum. Does this mean the enemy is better at spotting you? Or they work together in fire-teams?


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from what i have seen so far, it doesnt add tactics to AI soldiers making them more clever. it just increases their detecting rang and their sniping skill. version 1.42 has made the AI a bit stupid in some cases, it now hold its reactions until the player can put a bullet in its head, it will detect the player ,lie prone and wait and wait...plus they miss a lot now.

SUPER AI just turnes them back into killing machines sniping from miles through entire forrests, im not even trying to enable this... too unrealistic (quit suicidble with it).

the missing feature is good, the turtle speed reactions r dumb.

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