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Advanced Camera Question/Help

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Well, I've correctly used the "camera.sqs" script to effectively get the positions of units and ground locations. Only took me a year...

Now I can make static cameras appear and they work correctly. I know how to make a camera follow a unit too. I want to do more though.

I want to make a camera move itself as it still watches a target. For example a camera that rotates around a soldier, is a basic example.

Heres some basic Camera Code...

;Looking At Enemy In Middle of Map

;=== 10:05:39

_camera camPrepareTarget [101942.81,-15784.04,-39049.63] ;What location or object the camera is viewing

_camera camPreparePos [13259.32,8870.71,13.56] ;Camera Position on Map

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700 ;Camera Field of View

_camera camCommitPrepared 6 ;Smooth Tansition to Camera

@camCommitted _camera ;Wait on Camera for it to be commited

I have another question too. The "condition (@)" symbol means the the camera commit must be true to run this script right? The wait(~) symbol goes where in this code? I can't seem to put it in the right place when I am making these scripts.

NOTE: In this line...

_camera camPrepareTarget [101942.81,-15784.04,-39049.63]

there is no @ symbol, for some reason the forum added that in the quote, I don't know why. I took out the quote BB Code for this reason.

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