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Respawn for Team Not Working

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For my mission I am making, I'm trying to add a respawn point. I have the description in my mission's folder and a marker named respawn_west but it doesn't work. This is what I have for the respawn:

respawn = "BASE";

respawnDelay = 5;

I'm using a program called ArmA Edit to help make the description file. For some reason this isn't working. Am I missing something?


I got the unit respawn working now what I need to figure out is how to get an empty vehicle to respawn where it was placed at the mission start. Can anyone help with this?

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Empty as in once the occupants leave it respawns in X time, or a vehicle that begins the game empty?

There are scripts to do the first (Check the Arma sites eg: Armaholic.com in the script section, don't recall names of them at the moment).

The latter can also use a script, or the built in respawn. Place the base marker as normal, and also a marker named

respawn_vehicle_west (Or _east, _guerilla)

In the vehicle's init, put this respawnVehicle [x, y]

X= delay in seconds, Y I believe is number of times it will respawn.

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Quote[/b] ]There are scripts to do the first (Check the Arma sites eg: Armaholic.com in the script section, don't recall names of them at the moment).

Thanks, I looked on Armaholic and found a script that helps me. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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