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Multiplayer Freezes

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am having a problem with Arma Combat Operations. When i go to click Multiplayer i click okay then it just freezes. Sometimes it works most the time just Frezes. I have the updated patch 1.08 I have tryed reinstalling and it just still does the same.

I have a Intel Core 2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86 GHz

memory - 2046 MB RAM

Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT

i have no mods, Firewall is disabled and ARMA is checked for Exceptions. I do have a router but other games arnt effected like this... So what do i need to do? If you would please explain what i need to do like ports and what not or if ita a problem with something else please tell me what to do.. I really want to paly this on Multiplayer



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Hi USMarineKasel

I will try to give you a hand.

What is your broadband connection speed?

What country are you based in?

What servers are you visiting?

What missions are you attempting to join?

Try a public Berzerk server with good pings to begin with.

Be aware that if you are trying to log on to an Evolution server, that it may have been playing for some hours this means many dynamic changes to the map, knocked down trees, buildings, road signs; dead bodies tanks, New live bodies tanks etc. All these take some time to sychronise, 10 minutes or even more sometimes.

Kind Regards walker

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My broadband connection speed Is DSL.

I live in the US

And the problem from my researching what i read was... Quote "" Make sure that your router/modem also allows ArmA's outgoing UDP ports towards the internet ""

So how/would i do this? Like i need steps like how to do the whole router config for ARMA because apparently Its the router that causing when i click multiplayer.. and then click okay ... it frezez.

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