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Col. Anton

mercenaries ( Firestorm )

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Hi i am the leader of a small unit of mercenaries, we have only few members but are highly trained all of them previously serving in other arma units and are experienced players. The reason i am posting here is were looking for any other units who would be interested in hiring us (not for real money) but for fun. To do some joint operations together or if you need any extra men. If any one wants to join are small band of warriors here are the requirements:

1. have to have experience in previous arma unit

and must prove it

2. must know all the basics right off

3: you must pass are qualification course in 1 min 30 sec and must be able to use all weapons at decent skill

4: you only get 2 trys at the qualification or you are suspended

5: we accept pilots but they also still need to be able to use weaponry at decent skill

you require one addon to play with us http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2085

my in game name is : (FSM) Hoot

and my Xfire is: FireStorm

are forum: http://firestormmerc.6.forumer.com/


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Awesome! Thought about something just like this, good luck with it! If i wasnt already in a squad, i'd consider starting my own PMC or joining one.

Will keep an eye out.

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