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Vehicle Replacement

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can someone assist me how to Replace default bis vehicle models with the other ones? (like any total-replacement mods do)

see for example, how can i replace the default Abrams with an M1A2 from the INQ M1A2 tanks...?

too bad that i had no experience to do something like this in the config.cpp huh.gif

*or maybe there is some other ways to do it by replacing the model files inside those pbo's?


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I'm doing the same thing.You have to open the main OFP config and find the model line of the Abrams and replace it using the one inside the main config of your addon of choice.

If is a simple model without to many scripts like random textures it will work fine,but if you test it on a MP session the tanks will start to bounce like monkeys.It reminds me the old 1.30 bug,same thing but the bouncing was very moderated.

If the addon required more scripts to work you simple have to use copy/pasta with eventhandlers,user actions etc

Don't add modified anims because it will crash the server,but I'm not 100% sure about this,FFUR with his crappy load of stuff will always crash servers,but I wonder if the retracting gear script for russian choppers used by BAS and the rotating radar dish will cause any crash

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