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15thMEU Realisim unit recruiting NOW!

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First and foremost - we are NOT the real 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit. We are a gaming Unit with a very high view of the Corps, and a very high view on realistic gaming. We gather and play to honor the real Leathernecks who serve. The real 15thMEU can be found at the following site:


We play Armed Assault: Combat Operations in all of its forms. Armed Assault is a great combat simulator that is very conducive to the environment we've set here. Armed Assault information can be found at http://www.armedassault.com

That being said, we do share more than a few similarities. We're simulating a Marine environment in a virtual world - same ranks, same ideals, same values. Hell, even a few of our members are Marines or are planning to serve in the Corps. They bring their experience to the table to further enhance our Unit.

We uphold the Corps Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment.

Honor: Marines are held to a high standard of the utmost ethical and moral behavior. Honesty and honor are held in great regard. Respect for others is essential. You are expected to act responsibly in a mature and dependable manner. Every Marine is accountable for his or her actions and meeting the highest standard of the Corps.

Courage: Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to face fear and overcome it. It is the mental, moral and physical strength ingrained in Marines. It steadies them in times of stress, carries them through every challenge and aids them in facing new and unknown confrontations.

Commitment: Commitment is the spirit of determination and dedication found in Marines. It is what impels Marines to serve our country and the Corps. Every aspect of life in the Corps shows commitment, from the high standard of excellence to the vigilances the Marines show for training.

Why do we do this? We'd like to think that a member in our unit would take from these and be a better person for it. A better person for the unit and hopefully a better person in life. They will learn what it is work together in team and work towards a common goal. They will learn what the words "determination" and "dedication" mean. They will learn to be dependable, respectful, and respectable.

They will earn the right to be called a Marine in the 15th MEU Realism Unit, and they will uphold all that comes with that title so not to tarnish the great name of the Corps and those who serve it.

If this sounds like something you're interested in, by all means please register and let us know. But keep in mind, once you take that step and commit to joining, we're going to hold you the same standards we hold every other member.

Semper Fidelis


Some history on the 15th MEU ArmA Realism Unit:

The Unit was established in April 2007 and has steadily grown from month to month. The 15th came out of the 22nd MEU Realism Clan ( who play the Project Reality mod of BF2 ) and established itself as an active unit that held true to the values of realistic gaming. Many of the unit's members have real world military experience and work to adapt that to the ArmA environment.

What you will find in the 15th MEU:

* Access to two Armed Assault servers running on top of the line Trinity Gaming servers. One public server provides a great place to relax and play, and also recruit new members. One locked server running 15th MEU specific training maps provides the stomping grounds for realistic training and serious play.

* A newly updated Ventrilo 3.0 voice server.

* Active members and Staff who work to keep all members and new joins interested and engaged. Weekly unit training events get all elements of the unit together to train. Light Training events throughout the week focus on the individual elements.

* A focused and in depth basic training course to acquaint new recruits with the structure of the 15th, SOPs, Chain of Command and basic infantry skills. Once passing basic and earning the rank of Private or Student Naval Aviator, members will be assigned to a Fireteam or flight school for further specialized training.

* Opportunities for continued training and advancement. Infantry leadership courses for Fireteam Leaders, Squad Leaders. Officer Training Courses for Enlisted members to train into command roles. Active promotion schedules.

* A sharp and professional website with active posting and a handy calendar to keep track of events. A Squad XML roster that is updated diligently, found at http://www.15thmeu.net/squad/squad.xml

* Friendly help with training in game, and also with out of game issues. We're here for ya.

* And most of all, a fun group to kick back and enjoy a great game with. No crazy requirements or ridiculous mandates for belonging, just some simple courtesies and respect all around.


Current openings we are looking to fill within the Unit are as follows:

Infantry - no limit!

Tankers - 2 slots

Rotary Pilots & Navigators - 5 slots

Fixed Wing Pilots - 1 slot

Corpsmen - 2 slots

Combat Engineers - 2 slots

In the near future we will be opening Scout Sniper Detachment, Force Recon Platoon and Fixed Wing Flight Squadrons.

If you are interested in joining please register at our site, found athttp://www.15thmeu.net]

and submit an application in the "Recruiting" section. Your application will be processed in a timely manner and you will be sent login information for our Ventrilo server and available dates for basic training. We look forward to hearing from you! pistols.gif

15th MEU Realism Unit Command Staff

Contact Info

1stLt R. Savage - Xfire: thehappysavage, savage@15thmeu.net

1stLt J. Schultz - Xfire: James2785, jschultz@15thmeu.net

Sgt P. Tigernan - AIM: radar4224, tigernan@15thmeu.net15thmeu Homepage

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Hello, we were interested if you ever wanted to do some coop game with the Firestorm mercenaries. We are ready, just contact us at our forum. We do small specialized tasks and special operation-type missions. Every single one of our operators have previous experience in other Arma units and are well trained. Please, let us help you fight.

Thanks Again, FireStorm Mercenaries Leader, Anton

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