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Help with seting up verifysignatures

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Ok im thinking of puting this on my server and know how to turn it on. I just wanna know how do i go about allowing centain mods onto server that people use when i have this enabled on server?

I tryed this on server awhile ago but everyone with mods couldnt connect so server never filled up. I used this set up


//Anti Cheat //Cheat detection

verifySignatures=1; //Signature Verification 1On/0Off checks all users game data/key files No mods allowed unless server has key file

RegularCheck="{}"; //ReChecks all users data/key files while they are active on server, (nulled action due to known timeout bug).

checkfile=0; //0=default 1=Deep Scan/Slow Check depth

onHackedData="kick (_this select 0)"; //auto ban hacked addons / Changed action Kick should suffice

onDifferentData="kick (_this select 0)";

If anyone could let me know it would really help


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Ah damn i posted this topic in wrong place... 2many beers sorry smile_o.gif

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Use this settings:

verifySignatures = 1;

RegularCheck = "{}"

onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";

onDifferentData = "{}"

onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";

It will be working fine, without 1.08 timeout and

Queens Gambit addons bugs. In 1.09 I think that you can use:

onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)";

I really advice you to not create any custom signatures

for unsigned addons, becouse we will have stupid situation,

that on each server, players will need other signatures smile_o.gif

Use bikey files published by addonmakers, and our bikey file.

This bikey is used already on few servers, we are signing

addons that are default not signed by their authors and they

aren't disturbing other players on the server (list of self-signed

addons by our key is not closed - we are open for propositions):


You can also use xam.bikey key if U want to allow XAM1.4 EN.


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Ok but im still confused on how to set server using verifySignatures to allow mods.

Say i enable verifySignatures = 1; that means all users with mods cant connect to server right? Which i see as bad because it mite stop cheaters but it stops guys who using mods like @FDFsounds and instead of turning them off they will just find another server to play on and server wont fill up much.

So i wanna know how to allow centain mods that can be used on server.

Does each mod come with a bikey and you put that key in the servers keys folder?

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I have answered to that in my previous post smile_o.gif

Each addon (pbo file) requires .bisign file. This bisign file

is like certificate for one file. bisign files are created by

private keys (addonmakers should generate it). And there is also

public key (for servers), that is connected with that private key.

for example:

If we have xxx.bikey file on server and player want use addon.pbo file,

he need addon.pbo.xxx.bisign file (look ath the standard ArmA

addons folder - all BIS files have their .bi.bisign files, and bi.bikey in \key folder)

Perfect situation look like this: one bikey file on the server, for

each allowed mod (not file!, whole mod folder)

But not all addonmakers are signing they addons, so we have

bad situation, that we need to self create signatures for that


And that, why we have made that signatures for popular

mods, not signed by their authors...

Look at my fisrt post again, and there you can find

our solution for that problem (I mean - not signed addons by

they authors)....

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