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RN Malboeuf

Weapons in armed assault 2

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The weapons for Armed Assault are okay, but absolutly unacceptable.

The Firerate is much to low, and the recoil too.

An M16A2 in Burst Mode fire so slow that the weapon is for citys totaly useless.

A magazin of an AK74 are by 31 FPS in 2,5 Secounds empty, to slow too.

Also I hope, that the weapons have better funktions, like in Americas Army.

The next is, that I just see the old weapons on the Armed Assault 2 Screenshots.

I think Armed Assault 2 is in year 2008, so why are they just AK74 etc on the pictures?

The russian Army have AK74 also, but there AK101 and AK107 too!

At least I hope that the fire rate and the recoil will get better. And please, do not import guns (Like M16A2) from VBS1 again, I have highest Details (Outta Shadows and AA) and they dont look very good.



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We'll just have to wait and see. smile_o.gif

I see no point in speculating about this.


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