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Changing EffectiveCommander of Vehicle

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I have a very simple problem. When a player gets in an armed transport which is in his group, such as the stryker M2 or BMP-2, he assumes effective command of the vehicle (giving him the ability to give basic commands). The main problem is when such a vehicle is under command of a cargo unit, it goes into safe mode! Yep, all the crew turn out and no longer attack, making the vehicle useless until the player disembarks.

When a player gets into a transport that's in his group, my eventhandler goes through a number of steps to make sure that the commander of the vehicle stays the commander (the code doesn't currently check to see if there's no commander. I'll add a simple check to make the effectivecommander first commander, then gunner, then driver, if available).

here's part of my eventhandler:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_vehicle = _this select 0;

_position = _this select 1;

_unit = _this select 2;

_group = group _unit;

_commander = commander _vehicle;

if (_unit != player) exitwith{};

Titlecut ["","BLACK",];

if (_position == "cargo" && _unit == effectiveCommander _vehicle) then {

[_unit] joinSilent grpnull;

sleep .01;

_unit action ["eject",_vehicle];

sleep .01;

_commander action ["eject",_vehicle];

sleep .01;

_commander moveincommander _vehicle;

sleep .01;

_group selectLeader _commander;

sleep .01;

_unit moveincargo _vehicle;

sleep .01;

[_unit] joinSilent _group;

sleep .01;

_group selectLeader _commander;

sleep .01;

selectPlayer _commander;


if (_position == "cargo" && _unit != effectiveCommander _vehicle) then {

_group selectLeader effectivecommander _vehicle;

selectPlayer effectivecommander _vehicle;


it's a chunky solution, and doesn't always seem to work properly, where sometimes the stubborn player keeps vehicle command. Does anyone know a simpler way to retransfer command of a vehicle?


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Yeah, this is an annoying bug. Good find. I've just added it to the BTS. Link here.

It affects all vehicles with cargo positions, the turned out crew is just a hint of what's going on.

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