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Where can i find the download of opf ?

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Where can I find the complty download of this game ? (on the web)

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dont worry theyll be here in a little while.

hey i think i see them comin

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ben-d @ Feb. 24 2002,17:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Where can I find the complty download of this game ? (on the web)<span id='postcolor'>

I have a secret server!!!

okay, to login, go to the command prompt an type FDISK. This will clear your hard disk so you need to login to(or rather re-install) windows again. This is the official forum for a COMMERCIAL PRODUCT. You can get it in a GAME STORE. You can order online at places like www.ebworld.com but YOU AREN'T GOING TO DOWNLOAD IT.

Hey, mods, get ovar here PLEASE.

First people start asking what the password card for Uplink ( www.introversion.co.uk/uplink ) is on their forums (Its a hacking game so lets haxx0r t3h m4k0rz l0lz0rz - yes. Really) and now here EIEIGH.

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LOL that was good smile.gif

Uplink is a good game BTW it's a bad thing I would have to order it online sad.gif

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nah that's not the way to do it. here's the way

get an ftp program

connect to, anonymously

go through directories. if they don't have it, then most likely, you won't find it.

that's the address for biggest warez i've ever seen. of course, i only use real copies, so don't go there often, but sometimes you can find stuffs that are great.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Feb. 24 2002,19:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">nah that's not the way to do it. here's the way

get an ftp program

connect to, anonymously

go through directories. if they don't have it, then most likely, you won't find it.

that's the address for biggest warez i've ever seen. of course, i only use real copies, so don't go there often, but sometimes you can find stuffs that are great.<span id='postcolor'>


OK, you've in the lead 2:1

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Bye bye!

Warez should be kept a secr... I mean. Warez is evil! U momma shoulduv taught u betta than that

a shame.... 1st post results in a ban  confused.gif

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Warezers are bad, Kazaaers are good... *cough*

Bsides, let him download it, he'll only have it for a month. 1 word: FADE.

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What's going on with you all, why didn't you welcome our new member?!?!

Ok I will do it...

Hey ben-d, welcome to the Operation Flashpoint Forum!!!


Oh sorry you had to leave sad.gif

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If you want to get a warez version of OFP I suggest you do it far far away from me, cause I don't like people stealing from BIS, thus stealing from the consumers, that is, me and the other users of this forum (and allot more people).

If you want this game, buy it.

Thank you very much,,

(Sorry for being late.. I was on a consert sad.gif )

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