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Questions - editing config.bin

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Okay, I have been a long time player and very basic level modder of OFP:res for years. In OFP and the ECP mod I have edited both the native config.bin of OFP and then the much easier to work with straight up config.cpp of the ECP mod.

Now, in ArmA I simply want to play around with recoil values for weapons and perhaps some of the AI settings - so to do this I used the same tools etc. that I've used for OFP in the past and ended up with syntax error problems when I run the game with my modded config - not errors with my modding - I only alter values, not code - but errors with the pre existing code sections.


1. Is it workable in ArmA to convert the config.bin to .cpp and then just use the .cpp back in the bin.pbo?? - ie. rather than rebinarise the modified .cpp - I have thought ArmA would use either .bin or .cpp??

2. Is WinPBO ok to use for unpacking/packing ArmA .pbo's??

3. What tool should I use for debinarizing config.bin - and then what editor should I use for editing the .cpp ?? I have tried armaunbin utility and then notepad but this is what's giving me syntax problems when I try to use the .cpp file back in ArmA's bin.pbo

Note: as usual you guys are failing to make some VERY BASIC info available straight up to novice editors - need to make a sticky that very clearly and basically outlines the mechanics of the game - what it's configs and data sections are, what tools to use on them and then FINALLY - HOW to edit them. There is instead heaps of discussion about code editing etc. which means nothing to people who don't even understand yet WHAT code to be editing and how!

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1. having a config.cpp in the folder and packing it back up is fine... if a .cpp is there it will use that over a .bin... best practice though is to have either one or the other sitting there...

2. no, use cpbo.exe, eliteness.exe(2.18)

for packing either use the same tools, or BIS's new tools...

3. same as above... keygety's comes with unrap.exe, eliteness is all in one... or 'CfgConvert.exe' from BIS tools...

text editor? i use Ultraedit... keygety's tool suite has a syntax highlighting file for use with Ultraedit and you can readily update it...

re:- your note... nature of the beast i'm afraid...

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Thanks Synide - your info is much appreciated!!

re: my note - I take your point - I was basically just ranting out of frustration.

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