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Terror in malden : new campaign needs beta-testers

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Terror in Malden is a new campaign I'm working on. Here's a rundown of the features so far :

- 10 Missions, each has it's own introduction and conclusion cinematic.

- Between-mission cinematics enhances storytelling and character development

- More than an hour's worth of cinematics, including full cinematic briefings and debriefings.

- 40 megabytes of dialogs (about an hour of speech)

- A campaign focusing on storytelling and character interaction rather than anonymous mission objectives.

- Original musical soundtrack

Ok so here's a FAQ about it:

Q: What's the mission about?

A: It's set in the late summer of 2002. That's all I'm saying right now

Q: Is it about Enduring Freedom?

A: Read the preceding answer

Q: Are you using any add-on?

A: The campaign is designed to be playable from a pure, out-of-the-box Operation Flashpoint that's been patched to 1.42. So the answer is yes, but only official BiS addons

Q: Do you need any voiceovers?

A: The campaign features at least 20 different speaking characters. Many are one-liner dudes. If you're interested in becoming one write to me at prez_beaudoin@hotmail.com

Q: Do you need any beta-testers

A: Of course! If you're interested read on!

Q: Come on! What's the story about?

A: Read answer #1

Q: When will it be ready

A: The campaign is pretty advanced in development. It started a month before christmas with the writing of a 31 pages design document (which got approved/proof-read by 2 persons who work in the gaming industry). I worked on it full-time since then (about 30-40 hours a week) as much as my dayjob permits.




Beta-testing has begun but there is still a couple of slot available. I will limit beta-testing to a small closed circle to ensure there's good communication between the beta-team and myself. So places are limited. To be considered a beta-tester please write me at prez_beaudoin@hotmail.com and answer the following questions:

- How old are you?

- Where are you from (State/Country)?

- What is the type of your connection (dialup/cable/T1)?

- Describe your PC (processor, graphics card etc.)

- How long have you been playing Operation Flashpoint?

- Have you ever participated in open beta-tests for companies?

- if yes which one(s)?

- What is your take on the current war? (2 lines to 1 paragraph)

Thank you!

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