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no problems with Vista

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Well I just upgraded and have had no problems with Vista 32 bit at all, the game runs okay as do all my other programs, note that I did an upgrade and not a full fresh install so perhaps that is why I get no issues. If anyone is interested I can post the setting I am using. I have two 8800 GTS by the way, in SLI mode.

system (nothing is OC'd)

amd 64x2 at 3800

2 gb ddr 3200 (going to expand to 4gb shortly)

2 x 8800 gts in sli mode

windows vista 32 bit home premium

Running Arma at

very high for quality preference

1680x1050x32 at 16.9 wide and 60hz on the monitor

visibility is at 3236

terrain, objects, texture shading are all at normal

postprocess is high

anisotropic is low

shadown detail is normal

antialiasing is low

blood is low

I am also using a nostromo N52

Logitech MX revolution mouse

G15 keyboard

and TrackIR4 pro

Hope this helps

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