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waypoints, targeting, enemy movement

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I was wondering if there was a way for me to manually set my own waypoint on the map in multi or single player? I have to keep opening my map and checking my direction to see where I'm headed. If I'm in a vehicle I usually end up hitting a tree or a wall as a result.

I'm still a bit confused on how to target things in a vehicle. I'm driving a striker and my gunner doesn't shoot a guy right in front of me. How do I have him target that guy if I can see him?

Enemy movement: does the enemy actually move around in the game or do they just stand still until you fire upon them. It's really a bear to stay alive if they don't even patrol. They run around after I shoot but I'd think that the enemy would patrol a city they have taken. Also, will the enemy try and take back locations? (in multi or single player?)


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There is no in-built ability to do this without a script included by the mission maker. Evolution by KilJoy is a popular mission with such a script. Setting a custom waypoint is a Shift+click in the map screen.

My best suggestion is to get a mental idea of the route with waypoints to check for, expected distances, etc. If you DO have a waypoint active for whatever reason you'll have an orange mark on your compass pointing the way, even in 100% real difficulty mode.

As the commander of a vehicle there are a few ways to order targets. The best, BIS-approved way is to use the commanding mode button (default space), plain right mouse buttoning, use the 0-9 menu keys to manually designate via the list.

The enemy AI do move around depending on their orders and waypoints. The default BIS missions don't use a lot of smart scripts that have been made by the community like GroupLink or UrbanPatrol so "smart" behavior like contextually changing their route is probably not what you're gunna experience.

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Hi angrysquirrel

First off:There is a printed /PDF map available.

Single player driving with a map is an art. The procedure is this.

If mini map available: Bring up mini map, default keys are [Ctrl] [M]

If mini Map not available:


HALT! Look at map. Make a list of turns and land marks on a piece of paper stick to side of monitor with bluetack. Follow your own directions to the location.


HALT! Find next three turns you are required to make on the way to your destination, note any landmarks and towns villages. When you reach turn TWO HALT! Read Next three turns; IE turn three becomes turn one of the new set. Repeat till journey finished. This method ensures you only have to remember a small bit of info and that you have your retreat for on contact memorised.

Work out what your on contact behaviour is; something like this.

Generally In car as part of convoy:

On Contact Ambush Drive through ambush a distance not less than 200m, beyond kill zone disembark assess.

On Contact no bump move stealthily to OP disembark asses

On Contact; Front light bump Road blocked, Reverse course out of contact 200m plus disembark assess.

On Contact Front Heavy bump. Road blocked and casualties: Disembark part of force perform overwatch break contact procedure, Reverse course out of contact 200m plus disembark, assess, deal with casualties, assess.

Read Dslyecxi tactical manual.


In MP it is always easier if some one else in the vehicle takes on the role of navigator. They can look at the map safely.

Kind Regards walker

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Yeah I totally forgot about the GPS minimap.

Toggle GPS Minimap: RightCtrl+M. Brings up small toggled minimap on left side of screen.

Momentary GPS Minimap: <<unbound by default>>. Brings up large momentary minimap in center of screen.

You will know if you have a GPS or not based on if you have the device in your map screen that shows you your grid square (e.g. Gb46). The map function only works when you're in some kind of vehicle.

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