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AAS Map night,  Sat 1st Sept 8pm UK time

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This Saturday night, 1st september from 8pm UK time we will be running a server populated the our second generation AAS beta maps again. ( if we have had time there may be a few new maps and updates to the existing ones )

All players are welcome, idiots are not.

Server will be Called:- 16AAB AAS Maps

AAS Maps, some basic info ( for those who havent played them the past few weeks ):-

AAS stands for Advance & Secure. Each map has a number of capturable objectives for each team. Those objectives must be completed in sequence.

On maps with vehicles, take care of them. The more valuable a vehicle is to the war effort, the longer it takes to respawn. Use them wisely.

Each fully captured zone ( outer zone & command post ) becomes a selectable spawn point for your team.

Zones can only be captured by a superior attacking force at which point a Capture timer will start. The zone is captured if your team reamains dominent for the length of the timer. You can halt the timer by overpowering the team trying to capture it.

Maps end after a set time, or after one team holds all the Zones for the duration of the final count down which is started after the final zone & command post are captured.

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Sorry couldnt make it last week, on Hols

any more news about any releases or AAS nights?

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Well we have taken the map engine out of BETA as were happy with the way its running.

Currently were working on the Templates for other map makers to use. Once thats done the templates and our current maps will be released to everyone in a pack with the templates ( complete with instructions for the map makers. )

Our own server will continue to run at weekends at the moment ( and its got some new maps on it too ).

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