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limiting blast radius/damage of satchel

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Does anyone know how to limit the blast radius and damage to a satchel? I did a search and found something about making bullets harmless but not sure how to edit that to make it satchels. Is it possible to only have satchels from a certain crate be edited and satchels from a different crate have the default characteristics?

Also, is there a way to swap out an object (MP). I want the wall that once it's blown up (preferably with the satchel), instantaneously changes into another wall with the hole in it simulating that the satchel charge blew a hole.

Thanks in advance

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It could be done using addons quite easily - a new satchel class with low blast radius, and a wall with a ruin shape.

Using scripts will be harder...

You could place the satchel underground (not tested in ArmA) to reduce the surface blast radius, but that will require the creation of a new "set off..." script.

You could replace the wall with a new model using an killed or damaged event handler. Removing the old wall completely may be a bit harder (setVectorUp to straight down?), and you will probably need an editor update or addon to have a classed wall object.

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