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Radio Activador

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Hello to all:

I have one small problem, because i have one script with when you call for radio one Heli come to you for take to you and your team like auto Taxi, only work correctly if one group os west or east exist because i allways say to the heli

heli move getpos  leader group player

But the problem is when i have several groups in the mision and one leader call the chopper and this come to me or other leader diferent adn not to the leader whith had called.

In the condition of the Radio Tigger i put:

Quote[/b] ]

Leader group player == player

Only the player what is the leader can call the helicopter.

In activation i put:

Quote[/b] ]

nul = [argument] execVM "Auto-heli.sqf"

But whith condition or argument i can put for know whith leader call the Helicopter and can send the Choper to this leader??

[huh.gif?] execVM "auto-heli.sqf"

Best Regards

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i am not very good at scripting but have you tried giving your leader's names and using different radio channels for each leader? Name each leader (leaderA, LeaderB, ect..)

radio ALPHA: Leader group player == leaderA

radio BRAVO: Leader group player == leaderB

ect ect...............

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