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Crashes to Desktop + TS not VoN

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Well, I recently tried bravely to re-enable my hardware sound again.

All the FDF sounds are fine, even the in-game VoN works fine, and all is happy UNTIL I try to run Teamspeak instead of VoN (having first disabled the VoN transmit key).

For a while it is happy, then somehow Teamspeak gets into an argument with ArmA and ArmA loses by dying into a CTD or coming up with access violation errors.

If I don't use TS, or if I go back to non-hardware sound in ArmA then the crashes stop, and all is happy again.

I wonder how many crashes that ArmA is reported to have to desktop are simply due to Teamspeak not playing by the rules of Windoze programming?

TS certainly doesn't play nice with Saitek software either when you try to use the pinkie-shift-button and program '\' at the same time for a TS function such as channel switching.

I have a question here in addition to raising the above matter, how many servers out there use and have enabled the VoN facility? Is there a way to tell them apart from a list someplace, or does anyone know of some good examples of well run VoN-enabled servers?

I really prefer to use the hardware sound as it gives me about a third more fps when it's enabled, and TS take-up seems to be an uphill struggle anyway.

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