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Limiting Static Defenses to certain Fields of fire

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Hi guys

I need a way to keep something like an M119 firing in a certain area, so that it doesn't swing out into its gun emplacement / follow helicopters going overhead/turn right round

so that basically its rotation would be limited a certain amount in each direction, like this

\ /

\ / < Field of fire

\ /


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Ah but herin lies the problem: The gun will swing through the hole in the wall, so that the barrel will just ghost through the wall

Basically I want to limit the range of movement so it cannot just go 'through' solid objects

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Hmm, thats not strictly true.

I have something which will help you on your quest:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;watch script for searchlights 0.2

;written by Blanco

_unit = _this select 0

_dis = 200


?!alive _unit : exit

_dir = random 360

_steps = random 350 + 10

_steps = _steps - _steps %1


_x = 0

_i = -1

_maxheight = 360

_minheight = 2

_inc = -0.2

_height = (5 + random 55)


?random 2 < 1 : _i = 1

?random 2 < 1 : _inc = 0.2


?!alive gunner _unit : goto "unitdied"

_dir = _dir + _i

?_dir < 0: _dir = _dir +360

?_dir > 360: _dir = _dir -360

_upos = getpos _unit

_cposx = _upos select 0

_cposy = _upos select 1

_cposz = _upos select 2

_height = (_height - _inc)

?(_height > _maxheight) : _inc = 0.2

?(_height < _minheight) : _inc = -0.2

?alive _unit : _unit doWatch [_cposx + ((sin _dir) * _dis), _cposy + ((cos _dir) * _dis),(_height - _inc)]


_steps = _steps - 1

?_steps > 0 : goto "steps"

goto "loop"


_gl = "logic" createvehicle [0,0,0]

_gl moveingunner _unit

@!alive _unit

deletevehicle _gl


That is designed for searchlights, they spin slowly and randomly around a 360 axis. You could modify it, so that your static positions revolve around a few degrees only....thats what I did.

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Ah, slight issues

I can't get the script to run without errors

Plus one small question, would it be possible to make a gun rotate, then, when a trigger is activated by opfor, it follows a set fire plan of rotating, firing, reloading, setting new angle, and rotating again so that it walks a barrage forward? Ofcourse the angle would need to be tweaked to suit wherever the gun is placed but would it be possible?

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