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Slight Graphics problem

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Hi there

I purchased Armed Assault a few months ago, but haven't played much because I was waiting on a few items to upgrade my pc.

Having recently done all the upgrading this old rig can handle my stats are as follows: P4 3.2, 2GB of Corsair XMS RAM, and a Sapphire X1950 Pro 512 MB GDDR3 (AGP)...well those are the main components anyway!

So pretty mid range in todays standards.

Anyway I seem to be getting some graphical glitches in the game, which makes it quite impossible to play.

Strange shapes on the screen or the whole screen looking like its been bleached white (ie gamma being out) checked it though and the settings for the card as well as the game settings look all good, no problems with any other games .

I purchased the DVD in the UK which was distributed by 505 games, now updated to V 1.08 in the hope that it may fix things, but alas it did not.

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I loved OFP and am really looking forward to getting Armed Assault up and running!

Many thanks!

edit (operating System is Windows XP)


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