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Caelum Atra

Lay down fire support

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I want to have a few machine gunners placed behind some bushes, prone, and when an assault commences on the malden airfield to lay down a blanket of fire on the airbase.

But I dont want them to move once they're in position, how would I go about this.

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Try the commands:

unitName DisableAI “aiAreaâ€

aiArea indicates the area of the AI to disable. Valid values are :


"autotarget" – Automatically targeting

"move" – Automatically moving


DoStop UnitName

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Say I had a unit of 3 machine gunners, would this command be used for the leader and the rest of the squad will follow suit?

Also, would I put that in the script box or do I need to write a script and reference it?

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So would it go like this in the script for a waypoint

gunner1 disableAI "autotarget"

Then create a waypoint barely ahead linked to a trigger representing the assault to commence support, would I need any

gunner1 enableAi "autotarget"


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try this:

unitname setunitpos "down"

This makes the unit lay down and stay there. If you don't want the units to move, use a HOLD-WP or:

unitname disableai "move"

oh and

unitname setcombatmode "yellow"

If memeory serves me right, "yellow" is fire at will , but stay where you are.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (4ntifa @ Feb. 20 2002,03:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">AFAIK, there's no enableAi command!<span id='postcolor'>

I know there is no enableAI, Ijust wanted to know if the AI would reactivate for the next waypoint.

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