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How do I make a Custom Config?

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I have painted an SU34 Black with Decepticon logos. I can replace my current jet with it just fine by using air3.pbo. I was just wondering if someone could give me some tips on creating a custom config so I could make this jet seperate from the original.

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I've used search, and i cant find a tutorial on how to create a config where i can make a separate addon for my Weapon reprints... if anyone could help i would be most appreciative.

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I am not to good at this but this is how i done mine.

1- Open the model (.p3d) you retextured in a text and hex viewer (use google to find one)

2- make a new folder for addon "myaddon" then have a folder called textures. The path should be the same length as the bis one. so if its an aircract it would be "\air\data\bis_addon.paa" yours should have the same amount of characters. In this case 23 (will be different) so yours could be "\mine\textures\mytx.paa". Replace all text strings of \air\data\bis_addon.paa and replace with \mine\textures\mytx.paa . this is why they have to be same length. Depending on model there should be atleast 5 other models have more references.

3- Once you have changed all the references on the p3d put it in the root folder in the examples case "/mine/". Now it is time to make the config.

4- Config (thanks to Rellikki for helping me with this before)

Edit the bolded parts. Add a name of the original unit classname which you retextured on the BIS_class's.

Quote[/b] ]Class CfgPatches


class pbo_name


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicleClasses


class category_name


displayName = "Category name, displayed in the mission editor";



class CfgVehicles


/*extern*/ class BIS_class;

class your_class_2: BIS_class



displayName="Display name for the unit, displayed in game";



/*extern*/ class BIS_class;

class your_class_1: BIS_class



displayName="Display name for the unit, displayed in game";




Change all the parts the \pbo_name\model_name.p3d to match the file path from the example \mine\mymodel.p3d. That config shows two vehicles so you can chop one off.

After this pbo the folder in the example the "mine" folder you should now have a mine.pbo put it in the addons and try the game. If some errors come up it is 95% the config you have made a small mistake. If the texture looks funny in 3rd person or while flying/riding it is probably the p3d where you forgot to change one of the references.

Hope this helps.

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Heres an example of my first retextures config. (yes was a tractor :P)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


class jdtractor


units[] = {John_Deere};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicleClasses


class StryDaWheeled


displayName = "StryDa Wheeled";



class CfgVehicles


/*extern*/ class tractor;

class stryda_wheeled: tractor



displayName="John Deere";




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Moving to configs and scripting.

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