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I've been beating my brains out over this all day.

I have a trigger named testTrigger which is Sensor ID =0 if it matters. I have an M1030 named MyBike vehicle ID = 0. I want to assign this trigger to this bike. I've tried multiple methods but nothing seems to work. Has anyone ever used this, and if so, could you provide your line of code as example. The Wiki says its:


trigger triggerAttachVehicle [vehicle]

How do I refer to the vehicle in this context? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I'm not exactly an ArmA coding expert, but have you typed in:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">testTrigger triggerAttachVehicle [MyBike]

It could help if you tell us what you've tried. smile_o.gif

I hope you figure it out soon!


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@Bratty Yes it does, if I would have seen that, I would have posted it there, thanks.

Could a Mod move this for me please?

Never mind, I did get it to work, it just doesn't work the way I thought it would. I thought it attached the trigger to the vehicle, instead it sets the vehicle which will trip the trigger.

And the final string was testTrigger triggerAttachVehicle [MyBike], which I had already tried but didn't notice the effect.

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