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this may be a dumb question but...

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im kinda new at this so i was wondering hwo you end the intro? besides pressing esc. i am making it in the mission editor and not scripted.........

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Make a trigger and set it activation and other settings. Then at the "Type" in the trigger, choose "End". smile.gif

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Yep. Maybe you must count how long your Intro is and set the countdowntimer for the trigger to the number of seconds it takes in both 3 squares. then select by 'type': End#1

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I never liked making intro's end with count timer. I done it on my first mission, and the intro came out a little funky.

Scripted cutscenes give good control over the intros and outro's. Once you get the hang of it, they are very simple to do, and you can also add animations, text, effects, and commands to the script, so you don't have to do anything in the editor except give WP's.

I usually use commands and conditions in the script to end cutscenes, for example, when the scrip comes to the end, i type a statement:


in the script, and in the editor, place a trigger set to END 1, with:


in the condition field. This way the scene ends nice a neatly smile.gif

Also if you start an intro with a trigger, it waits a second or two before going to the camera views. If you call up a script in the init field of a unit, the camera views start immediately.

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thanx, i got it working now.yea, i would like to use scripts but im still working on the basics smile.gif also, for the briefing, i kknow i write it in html but where do i save it? do i save in my ofp/users/mission/mission? and do i save it as briefing html?

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call it briefing.html and overview.html and it should be in the same folder as the mission.sqm file

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