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Joystick Sensitivity reductions for Helis?

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Is there some way in the game (or in a config or ini file) to reduce the joystick axis sensitivities?

I have gotten much better at ehlicopters adn really enjoy flying them. but my x52 pro does not have a sensitivity setting. Only deadzones. and that wont solve my issue. I would like to reduce the sensativity so that I can avoid getting into overcorrect-overcorrect cycles. I know that over time, I will get better and less "cyclical" in my contrlls, but if I could just tone down teh sensitivities a bit, it owuld really help me land and fly into tight spaces like between buildings etc.

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Yes it is.

In your user folder you can find a .armaprofile file. Open it with the editor of your choice. Near the bottom you will find that bit of code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">joystickSensitivity[]=



These values stand for the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> AXIS_X_POS AXIS_Y_POS AXIS_Z_POS ROT_X_POS ROT_Y_POS ROT_Z_POS SLIDER_1_POS SLIDER_2_POS


//edit: the values must be between 0 and 1, edit them as you want

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Great!. Thank you. Now if I can just find someone to make a little tool with sliders to alter these. as it is now, I would hav eto go back and forth, in and out of the software, to make repetative adjustments until i get it the way i want it.

I'm not saying I'm so lazy that I won't do that. Becuase I will. but it seems that a convenient "adjust" tool could have been included in the controls section of the software. or someone could make one.

anyway, thanks a million for puttin me in the right direction.

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