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Help with scripts?

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I used to be ok with ofp scripting, but somehow I seem to do something wrong in arma.

I just can't seem to handle to make units or vehicles move to marker or to object (invisible H).

My script assings pilot to harrier, orderGetIn's but thats it. I tried all kinds of variations of doMove and getPos but I get errors like "generic error" and "error missing )". I looked for examples and comrefs but I can't find suitable script to mod.

I don't get this sad_o.gif

So can please someone write a piece of script how do I make pilot that is assigned and ordered into a harrier fly to a specific marker or object (invisible H) so that I could move forward with my mission?

I would really REALLY appreciate it.

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well im doing something similar to that....i have the player assigned to a boat then move to a point marked by an invisible H in my intro.

what i did was put this in my introinit.sqs:

_pos = getpos pad1

actor commandmove _pos

pad1 is the name of the invisible H

actor is the name of the player

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Thanks! I'll try that when I get home. Seems that I'm not that familiar with the new arma commands...

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