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[I]UNITS[/I] Command

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A group of East Soldiers.  Each has...

[this] join BadGuys

...in his init field.  The leader of the group is LeaderE1


If I refer to this group in a Units command like this...

_ArrayUnits = Units BadGuys

...the array I get is strange, i.e. if I print the "Count" of this array...

Player GlobalChat Format["%1", Count _ArrayUnits]

...it prints "Scalar".  If I change my units command like this...

_ArrayUnits = Units Group LeaderE1

...then it works, and the above "GlobalChat" prints "9".

The Manuals

Both the BIS manual, and one I found on this site show the form...

Units grp

...where "grp" is type "Group", but in both cases, they don't use that syntax in their examples.  Instead, they use a form like the second version of my own "Units" command.

The Issue

The thing is, the following two lines, I would have thought, should be identical...

NewGroup = BadGuys

NewGroup = Group LeaderE1

...where Badguys is my group as defined above, and LeaderE1 is the leader of that group.

What's going on here?

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