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Does anyone know?

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Im running an internet server, and i want to turn the grass off due to system specs.... why is the grass turned on default? and how do i remove it?

p.s has anybody ever noticed the www.armedassault.com website, the offcial website for this game, is basicly unused and never updated with anything? crazy_o.gif

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Well, create a trigger (Radio Alpha or whatever) and add the following codeline to it:

setTerrainGrid 50;

50 is just an example, see the link below to understand potential values. This will work locally, clients in an MP game don't need to share the same grid value. Some say it's cheating but that's relative: if my computer can display grass with 50fps then it's cheating to force the other party down to 10fps if his video card sucks smile_o.gif

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That's good to know. Just wondering though, is there any way to turn down the density of the grass without turning it completely off, WITHOUT having to turn down the shader option? I don't want any of the extra bump mapping & shaders turned down, the game just looks uglier IMHO.

My game runs smooth as butter with no grass, even with every single other option turned up including anti-aliasing. Trees kind of slow it down a bit, but it's still smooth enough to be enjoyable. Grass completely kills it, even with shader turned to low.

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