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Problem with linux server / debian etch

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Hi all,

long time nothing written in the forum.

But now I have a problem with the linux server after upgrading to debian etch. I always get a segmentation fault when I try to start the server.

Somebody know, what can happen this?

Somewhere in my brain there is a knowledge of installing compatibility modules of libc6 or something. but I don't know if this is right.



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benu once made a comprehensive howto here wink_o.gif It includes the segfault problem workaround.

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Thank you very much.

I tried to search, but linux always only was found in the ArmA forum and not in the OFP forum. Don't know what the problem was.

Some problem with the search? OFP no more included? Some time ago it was working without problems searching for linux.

Have to try again sometime.



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Quite welcome wink_o.gif

I had a hard time finding it myself, but I was sure it was there (since I've used it myself as well in the past). Somehow the search function didn't work as expected, as I also got ArmA results, despite selecting just the OFP section of the forums. Only after selection OFP >> Multiplayer section I was able to find it again.

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