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wind direction

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is there a way to detect the wind direction? Due to the differences every time, it is making my halo drop function not a desired.

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I was able to determine the wind vectors, but discovered something strange; when testing it hosted, with a friend connected, we were seeing different wind vectors and weather conditions. I tried 3 different ways to synch us up:

1. Set the weather sliders in the editor to storm

2. Set a trigger calling 0 setovercast 1 and 0 setrain 1

3. Used a script to set overcast and rain to 1

and in all 3 instances, we were experiencing different weather conditions. Is some sort of public variable required to synch everyones weather the same?

Also, gathering that info didn't really help me solve my initial problem. When doing a HALO drop, each mission is different as to the landing area because, (I assume), the wind vectors are different. What I want to do is correct the soldiers fall back to the intended drop area using the wind vector data but cannot figure out how to do this. The only idea I have to to set a series of markers at the drop area and use setpos and getpos on the markers to correct the fall trajectory of the units.

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I'm not sure how the wind vector will influence the movement of the parachutist. Ideally, the parachutist will assume the same speed as the wind, but because of friction it will always be less.

I'd probably go for a looping script, which continuously determines the X and Y distance between the parachutist and the center of the drop zone (marker perhaps), and use SetVelocity to gently slide him towards that mark.

Haven't test it, but that should work.

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actually underchute time isn't much of a factor as the drop is a HALO, and pull height is about 120M, the problem is the 5000M fall. The wind will blow my troopers out of the drop zone during the long fall.

Plus, I was really hoping for steerable chutes, especially after seeing they were the wing type chutes instead of the round canopies, but alas, I guess I must wait for an addon for the steerable chute. A steerable chute would alleviate part of the problem I am having anyway.

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I've made a quick test with a looping script that keeps you at the same (X, Y) position, and it seems to work as expected.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_object = _this select 0


_object setVelocity [0, 0, (velocity _object) select 2]


hint format["Speed: %1\nPos: (%2, %3, %4)", (velocity _object) select 2, (getpos _object) select 0, (getpos _object) select 1, (getpos _object) select 2]

?((getpos _object) select 2) < 10: goto "END"

?(alive _object): goto "NEXT"


Started out at 5000 height, and it worked as expected (hint showing the same (X, Y) all the time, drop speed increasing to almost 70 meanwhile).

You could quit the script as soon as a parachute is detected.

If you prefer a slight movement, you could play around with the velocity by limiting the X and Y speed to some maximum.

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