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RN Malboeuf

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OC3's are a Dime a Dozen? Man what are you smoking?

MAL... just admit it man. Your connection is not OC3... the little computer shop you work at is not capable of buying a Dedicated T3 let alone more. (still selling 1.7Ghz P4's as a "Kick ASS" system...lol) Dude... you do not fool anymore so stop.

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I warned you people in another topic . Consider this your last warning (you know who you are people). Stop with the bs please. Right here, right now.

I can't even believe how way off topic you people have gone...




       Thank you.

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just to clue you in Kaduda started as a small Sales computer company but was bought out last month due to the fact that we can under price every one in 500 miles

EMI is a large Web Design company that saw the benifits of buying hard ware at cost smile.gif

it's great geting a $2,000 store front absolutly free as part of the deal and 2 gigbit line of a Major ISP, divide how many OC3s I can put on that and get back to me

just to clue you in ED, other ppl can and own Large Net conections, there are what 2,000 large cities across the world, and YOU think your the only one with a OC3

OMG thats funny

Like I said MTS pays us RENT, lines are free man, we just good at what we do. that and what we make from websites in 1 month would blow your mind, all of Kaduda's small sites will be merged with the othe 2,700 sites

it was a sweet deal, thats why I have not been around much, 3 new store fronts to open, and 1 night club.

man I get free booze now too




stay tuned ED, we'll have more Gamer servers on the Net then any other company out ther

OC3s for mere $100 a month CND ($75 US)

and we'll make money smile.gif

OMG your sooo funny

OMG sooooooooo funny

Dont see my RN calling you names and calling you a bad player, we have CLASS



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Ok Snake... I apologize and will not post any further on the subject. However, since Mal has continued after your post I hope you keep to what you stated.

Please close this topic as it seems to have gone way off course.

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RN Malboeuf, enough is enough. Don't continue with this, or you'll have your posting rights removed.

Thank you, and have a nice day

---> Closed smile.gif

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