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Helicopters on request

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Hi, I wonder how to make a helicopter, a squad or a armored unit to advance on a radio call (or any other trigger).

Now I put a pilot outside the heli, give him a Get In waypoint on the heli a with a condition (gogogo=1). I get two problems:

1. The heli allready has a pilot when the mission begins.

2. The variabel (gogogo) seems to be "on" before I have turned it on.

Can anyone help me?



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if it matters if the heli is on the ground then add an EMPTY helicopter not a BLUEFOR helicopter.

if it doesnt matter that the heli is in the air or not just use the BLUEFOR heli with the pilots inside. set the "in formation" to FLYING. then make a HOLD waypoint. make your other waypoints that you want them to fly after the radio trigger is activated.

next make your trigger and set for trigger type "SWITCH" then syncronize it with the HOLD waypoint. set the activation to RADIO ALPHA or which ever you want and thats all.

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