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Spawn multiple paratroops

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Hi there,

Im making a mission where waves of paratroopers are dropped onto a base, which they then attack.

I have worked out how to spawn soldiers as part of a group on the ground to then attack the base using a trigger with this in the init line:

deletevehicle JIM; "SOLDIERWB" createunit [getpos ENFORCE, ASSAULT, "BOB=this"]

, but im not sure how to get it to spawn them all in parachutes in the air.

I guess i need to make a script? Im just learning all this, any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks


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Assuming ASSAULT is the group unit spawned are attached...

{ _x setpos [getpos ( ( units assault ) _select 0) ) + ( Random 10 - random (10) ), getpos ( ( units assault ) _select 1) ) + ( Random 10 - random (10) ), 1000] } foreach units Assault.

Where 1000 (the third element of the getpos array (id est the Z coords)) is the height of the trooper.

Be careful however.

The line will set pos every element of the array at 1000 mts but won't give them any chutes...

You've to call a script to monitor their height.

Then, you've to create a Parachute for every one of them

in a loop:

_i = ( count ( units ASSAULT ) )- 1


_Sold = ( _Units Assault ) select _i


_chute = "Parachute west" (not sure now I'm at work) Createvehicle getpos _Sold

_sold moveindriver _chute

? _i > 0 : _i = _i - 1; goto "lp"


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