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Simple random script

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I made a simple script that generates a number randomly between 1 and 3. I tested both floor and ceil. It seems to work BUT it seems to select two numbers. For some reason when i trigger the script.. two of the groups out of three will go to the waypoint scripted rather than just one group.

Could this be due to decimal points or something?

I also tried the script without brackets... doesn't make a diff.

Quote[/b] ]

x=ceil (random 3)


?(x==1): (goto "way1" else goto "weg1")


wp=plat1 addwaypoint [position ven1,20]

[plat1,1] setwaypointtype "move"

plat1 setcurrentwaypoint [plat1,1]



?(x==2): (goto "way2" else goto "weg2")


wp=plat2 addwaypoint [position ven1,20];

[plat2,1] setwaypointtype "move";

plat2 setcurrentwaypoint [plat2,1];



?(x==3): (goto "way3" else goto "weg3")


wp=plat3 addwaypoint [position ven1,20];

[plat3,1] setwaypointtype "move";

plat3 setcurrentwaypoint [plat3,1];




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Problem solved... just moved the goto wegs under the condition...

seems my else coding needs practice.

Sorry for wasting space D:

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Quote[/b] ]?(x==1): (goto "way1" else goto "weg1")



_x = floor random 3

call compile format["wp=plat%1 addwaypoint [position ven1,20]",_x]

call compile format["[plat%1,1] setwaypointtype ""move""",_x]

call compile format["plat%1 setcurrentwaypoint [plat%1,1]",_x]

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