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Graphics problems

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This happends sometimes, and if I alt+tab out of the game, and then back in, it's normal again. I think it has only happened at briefing, when zooming in/out with the mouse wheel. Oh, mission editor too.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

As I just alt+tab out and in to make it normal again, it's not a major problem, I'm just curious of what this is... Enlarged symbols shows up sometimes, as you can see one at least on of the screenshots. These changes when I scroll some more on the mouse wheel.

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The symbols you're seeing are white outlines of OFP's object icons. Place a helicopter on the map in the editor and you'll see the same heli icon but in color.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I just tried alt+tabbing while in the mission editor. All's well. I don't get this.<span id='postcolor'>

Wait, what don't you get, the cause of the graphics problems or what I mean?

The graphics problems becomes present sometimes when I scroll up and down on the map in the Mission Editor with the mouse wheel.

As seen on the screenshots in the first post of this thread, it's impossible to see anything. To get it normal again, I alt+tab out from the game and then in again, that's when everything gets normal again.

Now, I don't know why it's like this... sad.gif But still, as I said, it's not a major problem as I solve it in 5 seconds by 2x alt+tab.

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It got even worse, so I went to www.nvidia.com and downloaded new drivers for my video card - Geforce 2 MX. It runs perfect now. So, if someone else has this problem, just d/l new drivers. smile.gif

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Alwayes  a god start to download new drivers, as they often are the cause of problems wink.gif

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