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To the Mods

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Okay you have deleted about 5 threads this evening one made by me which I thought was a damned good thread never know the results now sad.gif

And a couple by Black Op.

Can’t we at least have one spam thread that is save from you or are own forum section?

Forum section would be nice but own thread would do how about a forum just for the old timers of OFP.

Find it in your hearts to make a hamster happy.


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Yeah, having one permanent spam thread would no doubt satisfy the spam needs of all forum dwellers ( biggrin.gif ). Like before with the cereal thread.

You let damage inc off and i haven't ever seen him post anything bigger than 3 sentences in offtopic, ever, seriously.

I say make one permanent spam thread.

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...don't mention the cereal thread for crying out loud. smile.gif

As has been suggested earlier by another brilliant mind (oh wait, that was me), a single "spamming" thread would do no harm. It would be like having a smokers room in an office building.

It would probably prevent (most) spam from seeping into the other threads, and everyone would know that the ludicrous post-counts of a few individuals didn't come from meaningful conversations, and consequently the spammers don't get any undeserved respect on account of their postcount. Result=everyone's happy!

When you think of it, it's actually a good idea. (It's also a good idea when you don't think of it)

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I say we spam till our keyboards blow up.

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