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Making UN-units work somewhat true to life

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I've just made a MP-map where two armored forces meet in the middle of a city, and the players can choose to command either side. The city is full of civilians and I want to make it so that if the player kills more than a set number of civilians or UN-troops, all UN-forces (independent) in the city will consider the civvie-killers side as hostile. Is this possible?

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Some kind of function that prevents the units in my squad from firing at me if I kill too many friendly soldiers would also be appreciated, since that pretty much solves my problem.

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Yeah I have a mission where RACS controls the no-man's land gap in Corazol and crossing anywhere but over the controlled checkpoint makes RACS hate BLUEFOR.

First thing is make Independant enemy to everyone. Then you have some gamelogics spawn by setting friendly stances such that both sides are friendly to Independent and vice-versa.

This is an important step, otherwise setting Independent enemy later won't have the desired effect.

Now all you need is a counter for each side that counts when they kill a civie and when you go over a certain amount then you exec some code using the 'setfriend' or whatever it is command.

You can use one of the event handlers to run some code every time someone is killed. Some variables used are: who died and who killed them. Which should help you increase OPFOR counter, BLUEFOR counter, or neither if like a civie kills another civie.

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