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Secondary gunner/turret

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G'day all,

I apologize if this has already been covered, I searched without any luck. ArmA allows secondary (and more) turrets. AFAIK, the only scripting access we have is the ability to move or assign units into them (eg player moveInTurret [myT72, [0,0]]).

Is it possible to refer to:

* the unit manning that turret - something like mySecondaryGunner = gunner2 myVehicle

* the secondary weapon's accessible "storage", since it seems to be discrete from the vehicles - something like myTankSecondaryTurret addmagazine "type"

Of course, any other relevant commands would be great. Thanks smile_o.gif

edit: solved the refering to the secondary weapon part - vehicle unitOne fire "secondaryVehicleWeapon". Problem is the command will only fire the first encountered instance of the weapon type, so vehicles must not have the same weapon type on more than one turret (eg uh60 uses "m134" and "m134_2").

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Quote[/b] ]Is it possible to refer to:

* the unit manning that turret - something like mySecondaryGunner = gunner2 myVehicle

* the secondary weapon's accessible "storage", since it seems to be discrete from the vehicles - something like myTankSecondaryTurret addmagazine "type"

Unfortunately no, these aren't currently possible. The workaround you mentioned works for the fire command, but it's not a complete solution. Hopefully BIS will add full script support for turrets soon though. confused_o.gif

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ah, that's no fun sad_o.gif

Thanks for the reply. I hope they add some new commands soon.

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Update, It should be possible to fire any weapon on any turret using the "useWeapon" action, although you need to be able to refer to the user of non-primary turrets...

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