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Super Admin in server.cfg?

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It is posible to define a Super Admin account?, because it is a problem logging when there is another admin.


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I could have sworn if the admin logged in using the pass he would automatically take over from a voted admin.

Or....do you mean take over a logged in admin?

If he can login he knows the pass, if he knows the pass he also should know when he has to step aside and let another guy do the admin job.

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he know the pass, but in miles of system there is a super-admin, so there is no way to do it?

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Logged in Admins from their own server cannot be overrun from the public.

However if a public is on as admin , he can be overturned his admin rights through the majotity of public if another person recieves more votes as admin.

Hope that helps ya oot laddie...........

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