satexas69 0 Posted April 2, 2007 In OFP, there was a cool addon where you could "place fire" - like in trees, and it always looked the the forest was burning - a cool thing at night. I'd like to find some type of "fire" script where a fire burns (and never stops) via a trigger... Anyone know a way? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
satexas69 0 Posted April 2, 2007 Here is the original small OFP pbo addon that was used in OFP... would be awesome if someone could update it to ArmA... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-duke- 0 Posted April 2, 2007 Would something from here work: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
satexas69 0 Posted April 3, 2007 Duke, Yes, that would.. but I'm not sure how to put that into a script for use. What I'm TRYING to achieve is having a shikla blown up, and then have it use one of the effects on it's location (dead hulk location) either "forever" or at least a long time... via a trigger when it's dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted April 3, 2007 A killed eventhandler will work better than a trigger. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler ["killed",{(getpos _this select 0) exec "script"}] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColonelSandersLite 0 Posted April 3, 2007 I agree with a killed event handler. There's a complication though... The ARMA built in burn effects will stack with any burning effects you try to tack onto it. I believe, but am not sure, that these effects are at least partially based on a vehicle's fuel and ammo levels. You *may* be able to disable the ARMA effects by setting the fuel and ammo to 0. You may have to override the BIS burning effects in some other way though, although I'm not sure how to go about that. As far as the practical end of making something burn goes, you may want to give this stuff a look: My Burning Buildings Scripts You're free to build on it or not as you see fit. Hopefully this information will help set you on the right path. Also there was this topic from a little while back that may be just what you're needing:;st=0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
satexas69 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Thanks to CSL, ONE of my objectives has been achieved (see below in post) ... but I'm still looking for a way to just "place fire" like you could in OFP. CSL - your burning buildings/city is cool, I just wish it would work in MP mode... the addition of JIP is awesome, but it's really created a bunch of synch issues in scripts and stuff. ------------------------------------------ If you want to make a vehicle/object burn forever AFTER it's been destroyed... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; This script will make a car burn forever ; once it's blown up. ; Syntax in INIT: [this, 30] exec "carburn.sqs" _car = _this select 0 _t = _this select 1 _type = typeOf _car _i = 0 #Loop ? (GetDammage _car > 0.05) : GoTo "NeverEndingLoop" ~1 GoTo "Loop" #NeverEndingLoop ;_i = _i + 1 ~0.01 _car setDamage 1 ~_t _pos = position _car _dir = direction _car _vectorUp = vectorUp _Car _vectorDir = vectorDir _Car deleteVehicle _car ~0.01 _car = _type createVehicle _pos _car setDir _dir _car setVectorUp _vectorUp _Car SetVectorDir _vectorDir ;hint format ["%1", _i] goto "NeverEndingLoop" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted April 4, 2007 ... but I'm still looking for a way to just "place fire" like you could in OFP. Um, but you couldn't in OFP, not without scripts or addons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
satexas69 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Um, but you couldn't in OFP, not without scripts or addons. True, but I don't mind an addon. I included earlier in this thread a copy of the OFP addon, and I was hoping one of you guru's would take a quick peek at it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites