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OFP 1.4 won\'t shutdown

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I run into a new problem with OFP after upgrading to 1.4. The game will not shut down after an MP session but it shuts down fine after a single player session.

After all players disconnect and I'm shutting down the server, the game hangs at the screen where you choose the mission. I've left it there for 5 minutes just to see if it was being terribly slow, still nothing. The cursor is frozen, no drive activity, no light activity on my hub. Alt-Tab doesn't work, I have to use Ctrl-Alt-Del to pull up my list of running processes. I highlight operationflashpoint.exe, click shutdown, ok the warning box (the one about potential system instability) and OFP refuses to shut down and remove itself from the list. I can tell when OFP is running because my desktop gamma is higher than normal given everything a washed out look. Even after 5+ attempts to shut the process off, no luck. Then the computer will simply hard boot itself and once it restarts asks to send a serious error report to MS.

This error has only appeared since I installed 1.4. Ver 1.3 would allow me to run and shutdown multiple multiplayer sessions (without having to reboot) without any errors at all.

System is XP Pro, 512MB Ram, GF3, Audigy. Updated drivers. Original disk, no cracks/patches

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The Win2K fix for this problem, posted elsewhere, worked for the XP problem as well.

Alt-tab out before hitting CANCEL in any of the MP screens and then just shut the process down using the Ctrl-Alt-Del. Works great.

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