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sinking a chopper into the ground

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Hi there,

I guys im new here and currently creating my first mission! As per usual i figure why start simple when you can swing for the fence straight away? cue hours or forum searching...

now i know i have seen somewhere how to sink objects into the ground, but i cant find it again! ahhh

what i want to do is create a downed blackhawk that my soldiers have to destroy to achieve a mission objective. so i need to eiother have an empty wreck that can be destroyed? or have a empty chopper with damage set to 1, but it looks like it landed not crashed, so i was thinking of sinking it into the ground a bit so it looks like it bellied out? Is this possible?

also i dont know how to achieve the objective when it gets destroyed...

oh and is there a way to make it smoke easily? i shoved a fire under it which looked ok is this the best way?

thanks all, appologies for not finding this out myself, but honestly im going blind from all the forum trawling im doing, i even have my own favourites database in explorer with tips i think i will need, just missed these i guess.



oh ps, could also use an easy way to have a flare lit in the ocean at night so my player can eject in the right place, is this doable?

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Try this,

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, (getpos this select 2) +x]

Stick this in the helo's init field.

In this example the "x" is the number of meters you want to place the object vertically. For your purposes change "+x" to -0.25 to -1.

Adjust the number "x" to your liking

BTW if you use a positive number, you can stick objects on roofs of buildings.

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thanks for this bana

interestingly though, this doesnt work with units other than those classed as objects - so it doesnt work with a chopper, the chopper just stays sat on the ground, it wont sink in...

any other ideas please?

ie, can i make the object uh60 wreck, destroyable?

also any help on the other requests? sorry to tie more than one thing to a thread...

thanks again

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thanks for this bana

interestingly though, this doesnt work with units other than those classed as objects - so it doesnt work with a chopper, the chopper just stays sat on the ground, it wont sink in...

any other ideas please?  

ie, can i make the object uh60 wreck, destroyable?

also any help on the other requests?  sorry to tie more than one thing to a thread...

thanks again

No it wouldn't, vehicles have active collision detection, even if you do manage to get them underground they'd pop right back up because of collision.

Quote[/b] ]ie, can i make the object uh60 wreck, destroyable?

Possibly, depends on its destruction type and armor. Either way you can probably find a way to fake it.

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hey there kyle

thanks for this, although please expand.... you mentioned 'you' could probibly find a way to fake it, sadly my ambition outweighs my ability.

this has me stumped, any ideas where i could start?

thanks again,


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hey there kyle

thanks for this, although please expand....  you mentioned 'you' could probibly find a way to fake it, sadly my ambition outweighs my ability.

this has me stumped, any ideas where i could start?

thanks again,


Start with the biki and find a way to be creative with what you have. For example, if you use the wreck model maybe you can delete it or move it when it's destroyed, or replace it with some random debris.

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